posting the power strip hack soon, I promise.
Here is the computer, test fitted to the shelf. The plan is to have a brace across the top of the computer, to hold it still when moving the arcade.
Here is the front of the cabinet with the control panel in place.
Here is the cabinet from the back. The marquee is wired in, notice the lamps.
And here is a picture with the monitor bezel and monitor plexi glass installed.
Sorry I didnt take any pictures of how we cut out the bezel and plexi glass for the monitor.
We used a black foam poster board for the bezel. It is about a 1/4" thick, and we got it at Hobby Lobby. We cut the poster board out to size, then we cut a hole to line up with the visible part of the monitor screen.
We test fitted it to make sure it fit.
We then sandwiched the bezel on a piece of wood, laid the plexi glass on top, then placed the saw board on top.
We lined up the corner of the plexi glass with the corner of the bezel, then clamped the sawboard to the bottom wood with C clamps. We lined up the edge of the sawboard with the edge of the bezel. Then using the skill saw, we cut the plexi glass. We had to do two cuts to get the plexi the same size as the bezel.
We then used another piece of scrap wood clamped to the wood, bezel, and plexi glass. We drilled 3 holes in each side to mount the bezel and plexi glass to the monitor panel.
It turned out much better than it looks in the picture. The flash from the camera made the plexi glass look cloudy.
Now we need to install the back panels.
We need to install the door hinges and latch, and the fan.
Also a brace to hold the computer still will be installed.
And I still need to wire in the coin door lights.
But first, it's off to Walmart to buy a surge protected power strip to plug the computer into. I just hope I can find one with a long cord on it.
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