Monday, July 9, 2007

The Rage goes home!!

Moving day is here! This is a picture of The Rage loaded onto the Mighty Dodge!
We wrapped the arcade in old sheets, to prevent scratches, then we strapped a two wheeled dolly to the arcade, loaded it on the truck, then wrapped it all in plastic, just in case it rains..

We fastened the machine to the truck with 2X4's bolted to the bed rail, and ratchet straps.
We didnt have room for the plywood ramp, so we bolted it across the bed directly behind the arcade. Some well placed cloth strapping and the all powerful duct tape, and we are ready to hit the road.

125 miles later we got The Rage unloaded, unwrapped, and placed in my son, Kenny's living room.

Notice the look of astonishment on Kenny's face!

Here is Kenny and his friend Kyle trying it out.

And here is The Rage, placed in the corner blocking the front door. (Who needs a stinkin' front door anyway??)
And yep, that's me, Dear Ole Dad, testing it. (Somebody pass me the Tylenol for my back.. this machine is HEAVY!!)

And Kenny, happy as a cat in a bird house...

And that my friends, is what makes all this hard work worthwhile!
If you decide to build an arcade machine, good luck, and have fun!!